Jane and Seana answer readers’ questions.
- Why Jane set up Jane Curry Advisory
- The Frankfurt Book Fair – what happens there and why Jane is a regular visitor
- Why the book fair was established in Frankfurt
- How Jane will approach publishers at Frankfurt about Seana’s memoir Going Under
- London Book Fair
- What are bestseller numbers in Australia compared to the UK
- Are all books sold in Australia printed here?
- When does Seana write? Seana’s writing tips
- Why is café writing so popular and effective!
- Recommended writing groups
- Jenny Valentish memoir structure workshop
- Writing ecosystems in UK, USA, Scotland, Ireland, Australia
- Making publishing more equitable
- Big W as part of the Australian book business
- Commissioning writers versus manuscripts being sent to publishers
- Self-published writers being picked up by traditional publishing
- Print on demand
- The rise of the audiobook
Links mentioned
- https://www.valentish.net/workshops
- https://www.curtisbrowncreative.co.uk
- https://faberacademy.com
- https://faberwritingacademy.com.au/
- https://www.writermentors.com
Buy Going Under
In Australia: Going Under is available in bookshops and online stores in Australia and on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com.au/Going-Under-memoir-secrets-addiction/dp/0645497231/
In the USA: https://www.amazon.com/Going-Under-memoir-secrets-addiction/dp/0645497231/
In the UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Going-Under-memoir-secrets-addiction/dp/0645497231/
Going Under Audiobook: Going Under on Audible, narrated by Seana Smith, click here.
Going Under on Spotify: Listen to Going Under on Spotify here.
Jane Curry Links
- Jane Curry Advisory: www.janecurryadvisory.com
- Ventura Press: www.venturapress.com.au
- www.instagram.com/venturapress__
- www.instagram.com/janecurry1
Seana Smith Links
- Seana Smith website: www.seanasmith.com
- Sober Journeys website: wwwsoberjourneys.com
- www.instagram.com/seanasmith
- www.instagram.com/sober_journeys
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/whatdidyoureadtoday/
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