Episode 6 Editing
Editing books is the topic of this podcast, and it’s a vast topic. Jane explains the three major types of editing:
- The structural edit
- The line edit aka copy edit
- Proofreading
This is a deep dive on best practices, working with the right editor, the editor’s skill set. You will learn what to expect from an editor and how to ensure that you and your editor work well together.
There’s also advice for young editors and young people getting into the publishing industry.
We also discuss the issues in the digital era with version control and making sure that the right final manuscript that is published.
Jane chats about contemporary books which take out all punctuation and the pace that gives. Role of the publisher in making changes to the manuscript, before the structural edit.
We chat about the close relationship between writers and editors and the trust needed. The pitfalls of finding an editor online and not investing in a good editor.
There’s some advice about avoiding vanity presses and about taking time with your writing and the editing process.
Books mentioned:
Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss
Institute of Professional Editors
Jane Curry Links
- Jane Curry Advisory: www.janecurryadvisory.com
- Ventura Press: www.venturapress.com.au
- www.instagram.com/venturapress__
- www.instagram.com/janecurry1
Seana Smith Links
- Seana Smith website: www.seanasmith.com
- Sober Journeys website: wwwsoberjourneys.com
- www.instagram.com/seanasmith
- www.instagram.com/sober_journeys
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/whatdidyoureadtoday/
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